Contact Us
The Great Colorado Payback Office
Claim Phone Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM MST
Denver Metro Area: (303) 866-6070
Toll Free Long Distance: (800) 825-2111
Office visits by appointment only
200 E. Colfax Ave. Room 141
Denver CO 80203-1722
For the fastest processing, please upload your claim documentation here:
When sending an email, please only select one email address. Do not send an email to both addresses.
To inquire about claiming property or to check the status of a pending claim
send an email to:
If you are a company with a question about reporting property to Colorado
send an email to:
When making a telephone inquiry, please provide the following information:
- Name you would like researched. If the name was found on our website or on another list provided by our office, please submit or provide the name using the exact spelling as it appeared on the website or list.
- Provide previous mailing addresses. Street names and cities are acceptable for the inquiry process.
- Provide the last four digits of the social security number for the individual you are inquiring about.
- Provide a current mailing address for the person who will claim the proceeds. Provide a complete mailing address including City, State and Zip code.
Colorado Open Records Request
- "CORA" stands for "Colorado Open Records Act". In the spirit of open government, the Colorado Open Records Act [1] requires that most public records be available to the public. Anyone can request information that is in the possession of a government office.
- For more information please visit:
Service of Legal Documents
The Colorado Department of Treasury offices at the State Capitol are not open to the public at this time. Because access is limited and staff are working remotely, there is no one who can accept service of process of legal documents. Please be aware that if you need to serve legal documents on this Department, you may send a request for a waiver of personal service to . Your email should include all of the documents you need to serve as well as a waiver form for acceptance of the service. Our email account is regularly monitored, and we will respond to your request in due course. Alternatively, you may serve your legal documents on the Department by delivering them personally to the Attorney General’s Office at the Colorado Department of Law’s Office at the Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center, 1300 Broadway, Denver, Colorado, 80203. This Department has authorized the Attorney General to accept your service on behalf of the Department. Please bear in mind that to enter the Carr Judicial Center you will be required to comply with all security and social distancing directions of the Colorado State Patrol, which maintains a regular watch at the Carr Judicial Center. The hours of public access to the Carr Judicial Center are 8 am – 5 pm. No service will be accepted outside of these hours.